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Principal Secretary Anne Wang'ombe (third from right) poses with the Special Advisor on International Disability Rights ,Sara Minkara (center), the Senior Policy Advisor Kristi Mietzner (second from right) and Special Assistant Hannah Nasri. Accompanying PS Wang'ombe was Director Gender Mainstreaming, Jackline Makokha (right).


The State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action Principal Secretary Anne Wang'ombe hosted the  U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, & Labor Special Advisor on International Disability Rights (SAIDR) Sara Minkara who paid a courtesy call to her Teleposta Towers office.
Deliberations during the courtesy call were centered on areas of mutual interest, particularly focusing on Persons with Disability. 
In her remarks, the PS said that the government of Kenya, through policy formulation and implementation, has made great strides in monitoring disability mainstreaming through the gender mainstreaming indicator that checks on inclusion of PWDs in employment.
"We have enacted the Persons with Disabilities Act 2003 that provides for a barrier free and disability free environment for PWDs. The Act also requires employers to reserve at least 5% of their jobs for Persons with Disabilities. Further our Constitution also guarantees that persons with disabilities are entitled to reasonable access to all places, public transport and information," said the PS.
Government policy frameworks like the Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) which provide for reservation of 30% of government procurement opportunities to youth, women and persons with disabilities were also discussed during the meeting.
The PS acknowledged that despite the efforts made by the government, more needs to be done in terms of disability mainstreaming to be able to meet all the needs of Persons with Disabilities, moreso for women who are worst impacted when it comes to Gender Based Violence, access to and ownership of resources and access to education.
PS Wang'ombe called for concerted efforts between Kenya and the U.S on the development of assistive technology, inclusive education and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.
On her part, Ms. Minkara, who had been engaging with host government officials and other stakeholders in Kenya, expressed her delight at the strides made by the government in fostering disability inclusion in employment and entrepreneurship in Kenya.
The Special Advisor on International Disability Rights ,Sara Minkara, was accompanied by the Senior Policy Advisor Kristi Mietzner and Special Assistant Hannah Nasri.
In the meeting accompanying PS Wang'ombe was Director - Gender Mainstreaming, Jackline Makokha.