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The tune of the Kenyan National Anthem is an African song which is heard in the Pokomo community of Kenya. It is a traditional tune sang by mothers to their children.

The National Anthem was prepared by a five-member commission, headed by the then Kenya Music Adviser, Mr. Graham Hyslop, with Mr. G. W. Senoga-Zake, Mr. Thomas Kalume, Mr. Peter Kibukosya and Mr. Washington Omondi as members. This method of preparing a national anthem was completely new in Africa. It was the first time a group of local musicians were given the task of preparing an anthem for consideration by the Government.

In presenting the anthem, the commission noted that it had to reflect the idioms of the traditional music of Kenya. As such, many tunes from various parts of the country were considered, and it was by no means easy to find those which would fulfil all the demands made in the context of their use as a National Anthem.

The tune had to be of the right length and quality, yet possessing the necessary dignity. It had to be of such character as to make the writing of suitable words manageable and this was complicated since the Commission set out to provide words in Swahili and English. The tune also had to lend itself to appropriate harmonisation and orchestration for performance by a military band, without impairing the original tonality of the melody.

It was expected that the lyrics would express the deepest convictions and the highest aspirations of the people as a whole. Considering that words can either unite or divide, great care had to be taken to ensure that the Anthem was an indisputable unifying factor in the life of the nation

Swahili lyrics English lyrics

Ee Mungu nguvu yetu,

Ilete baraka kwetu,

Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi,

Natukae na undugu,

Amani na uhuru,

Raha tupate na ustawi.


Amkeni ndugu zetu,

Tufanye sote bidii,

Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu,

Nchi yetu ya Kenya Tunayoipenda,

Tuwe tayari kuilinda


Natujenge taifa letu,

Eeh, ndio wajibu wetu,

Kenya istahili heshima,

Tuungane mikono,

Pamoja kazini,

Kila siku tuwe na shukrani



O God of all creation,

Bless this our land and nation,

Justice be our shield and defender,

May we dwell in unity Peace and liberty,

Plenty be found within our borders.

Let one and all arise,

With hearts both strong and true,

Service be our earnest endeavour,

And our homeland of Kenya,

Heritage and splendour,

Firm may we stand to defend.

Let all with one accord,

In common bond united,

Build this our nation together,

And the glory of Kenya,

The fruit of our labour,

Fill every heart with thanksgiving.

flag of Kenya

The color black represents the people of the Republic of Kenya, red for the blood shed during the fight for independence, green for the country’s landscape and the white fimbriation was added later to symbolize peace and honesty