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Mandate and Functions

Executive order no 2 of 2023 of the Government of the Republic of Kenya gives the function of the two State Departments as follows:

SDGAA Functions are:

• Gender Policy Management

• Special Programmes for Women Empowerment

• Gender Mainstreaming in Ministries/State Departments/State Agencies

• Community Mobilization on Gender Issues

• Domestication of International Treaties/Conventions on Gender

• Policy and Programmes on Gender Violence

• Affirmative Action Policy

• Promote equity

• Undertake a national survey on special needs

• Mainstreaming affirmative action in Ministries/Departments/Agencies

• Ensure compliance with affirmative action principles as envisaged in the Constitution.


SGC Functions: 

• National Heritage Policy and Management

• Management of Culture Policy

• Policy on Kenya’s Heroes and Heroines

• Library Services

• Language Management Policy

• National Archives/Public Records Management

• Research and Conservation of Music

• Management of National Museums and Monuments; and Historical Sites Management.